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26 Jul: reLAKSation no 1186

V for (In)valid: This week almost all the media feeds carried the news that a consortium of researchers from Scotland,…

19 Jul: reLAKSation no 1185

Pack in: In my opinion what makes the president of the RSPCA to be no different to a misinformed activist…

12 Jul: reLAKSation no 1184

Firing on all cylinders: In an election party political broadcast Kate Forbes is seen talking to party leader John Swinney…

05 Jul: reLAKSation no 1183

A different perspective: Dagens Naeringsliv’s columnist Anne Rokkan has written about wild salmon. She writes that there was a desperate…

28 Jun: reLAKSation no 1182

Weak 4: The fourth session of the Rural Affairs Committee’s salmon inquiry began with consideration of research and collaboration. After…

21 Jun: reLAKSation no 1181

Week 3:  The main question arising from the third session of the Rural Affairs & Islands Committee is whether SEPA…

14 Jun: reLAKSation no 1180

Week 2: The Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs & Islands Committee salmon inquiry roadshow has moved on to week 2. During…

07 Jun: reLAKSation no 1179

High and low: The Rural Affairs and Islands Committee held the first session of their new inquiry into salmon farming…

31 May: reLAKSation no 1178

Total Exploitation: I’m continuing to analyse the 2023 salmon and sea trout catch statistics and have now added the salmon…

24 May: reLAKSation no 1177

Trout too: In the last issue of reLAKSation I examined the salmon & sea trout catch statistics and pointed out…

17 May: reLAKSation no 1176

What’s the catch?: I’ve aged by nearly six months waiting for the 2023 Scottish salmon and sea trout statistics to…

10 May: reLAKSation no 1175

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee:  A letter has been published on the RAIC Committee website addressed to Mark Bilsby of…

03 May: reLAKSation no 1174

Traffic Lights:  Some readers experienced difficulty in downloading my review of the Traffic Light System, so it is now available…

26 Apr: reLAKSation no 1173

Traffic Lights: According to iLAKS, salmon farmers in Production Area no 4 are hoping to return to court to challenge…

19 Apr: reLAKSation no 1172

Connections: The Norwegian Traffic Light System and the newly launched SEPA sea lice risk framework in Scotland are both designed…